Trying to have a Baby !!
Trying to have a Baby !!
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Ladi Agahiu is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Ladi and I am a Nigeria born American and I am 1 of 5 siblings. I have been trying to have child with my partner for 7 years, with no success. During this time, I learned that I was suffering with Fibroids, but we still explored IVF. We did a round on our own, as that’s what we could pay for ourselves, since our insurance did not cover it. While we were exploring IVF my ageing mother had to have multiple surgeries, and she has almost passed 4 times since becoming dramatically ill in 2017. That was when I became her caretaker and the caretaker for my disabled brother. As you can imagine this created stress around trying to conceive. So unfortunately, we were not successful in our initial trial.
I have since had the fibroids removed and I have a good support system around the care of my mom and brother. So, my partner and I are trying to conceive again, with a donor embryo. My husband and I, together 23 years, are hoping that this is our time, as time is running out.
We are very private people and feel uncomfortable even putting my personal story out there, but I figured it doesn’t hurt to try, because we are not alone, and this is so important to us.
I am asking you to help us on this new path by donating to our I fundraiser. We are seeking assistance with the financial burden of IVF, and we would be honored if you could help. Even $5 would mean the world to us and help me fight for our future family.
Thank you for reading!
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Ladi Agahiu is organizing this fundraiser.